Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Hair Goal
I finally reached my hair goal! I wanted to have my hair reach to my bellybutton by summer. After a year of letting my hair grow, it reaches to my bellybutton. In fact, I think my hair is past my bellybutton.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Frozen Chocolate Banana
Here's one of my favorite summer treats! My cousin and I came up with the great idea of covering frozen bananas in chocolate and peanut butter. It's the perfect frozen treat and can be made in minutes. It's probably better for you then pigging out on ice cream sandwiches in the summer. I use all natural, low sugar peanut butter and dark chocolate to make it as healthy as I can.
1 Thing - 4 Ways: Oxfords
I'm going to start sharing pictures of one item worn four different ways. I'm going to start this off with my favorite pair of oxfords worn with some lovely knee-high socks!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Recent Happenings
Lately I've been wearing my favorite oxford shoes.
I found a sick I held it on a stick and named it Geraldina.
I knitted another pillow as a gift for a friend
I began a new shall soon be a field of crimson red Indian Paint Brush.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Shopping in Bayfield
While in Canada I went shopping with my Mom and Grandma. The town we shopped in was fulllll of art galleries and shops. I wanted so very badly to take pictures of all these places but didn't want to risk getting thrown out for takings pictures of the art work.
In one cute shop I found this hair clip and fell in love with it. It was only $12 so I bought it pretty much the second I saw it.
While we drove home from shopping, we saw this adorable home and I quickly snapped a pic as we drove by. I love the crooked bricks.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Slouchy Hats
While I was on vacation I knitted three hats and took pictures of them on the lake. They won't be for sale until fall but the pictures turned out great so I thought I'd give you all a sneak peak.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Silhouette Pictures
I've been staying at my Great Grandma's lake cottage this week. I don't get internet there so I haven't been able to blog until now. But I took many pictures to post. My cousin Alyssa and I had fun taking silhouette pictures the other day!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Spring Fling
Sorry for the lack of posts lately! Life has been full of dancing, late nights, and disney movies. Are those expectable excuses? Here are pictures of my Spring Fling. It was a very fun night!