
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dream Journal

For about 9 months now I have kept a dream journal. I'm one of those people who remembers a lot of their dreams. I love being able to describe my dreams that I can vividly remember. Sometimes I sketch out what I see in my dreams as well. Having memories from a dream flood back into my mind as if I'm re-dreaming that dream is amazing. It's scary how much you dream about the people you think about and are with. I think that dreams can sometimes reveal what's in your heart; your fears, your interests, your hopes...

"I looked into my lap to discover the most darling little creature. He yawned and fell into a deep sleep all curled up. I wanted to keep him forever. Is it too absurd to own a baby tiger?" 

"Diving into the crystal ocean, I said my goodbyes to the world above. I reached a city of a silver blue color surrounded by little red sea horses. Thoughts flew through my mind and suddenly a shadow approached..."

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