
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream Recipe

Yesterday, I made this delicious green tea ice cream! I've been dying to make this for the longest time but had to put it off until I purchased some matcha powder (that stuff is expensive!). The ice cream turned out so perfect. It was creamy and had the perfect sweetness. Next time I make it, I think I'll try using coconut milk in place of the whole milk.

Green Tea Ice Cream 

3/4 cup whole milk
2 egg yolks
5 Tbsp of sugar
3/4 cup heavy cream (I added just a little extra)
1 Tbsp matcha green tea powder
3 Tbsp hot water

1) Mix the matcha powder and hot water in a small bowl and set aside.

2) Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together in a sauce pan until completely combined. Gradually add the whole milk to the egg and sugar while whisking. Set pan on low heat and continue to stir constantly until mixture thickens

5) Soak the bottom of the pan in an ice bath and allow the mixture to cool. Add the green tea to the cooled mixture and stir. Then add the heavy cream and stir until fully combined.

8) Place the mixture in the fridge over night (or for a few hours). Once it's nice and chilled, place mixture in an ice cream maker (or freeze it if you don't have an ice cream maker)

This only filled up half of my ice cream maker so if you plan on serving it to more than three people, I would suggest doubling the recipe.

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